In this beginner-friendly talk we'll try to find out using the power of Scala and functional programming techniques.
Have you ever wondered if it's worth catching a tram instead of walking or riding a bike? How slow is your tram on average?
In this beginner-friendly talk we'll try to find out using the power of Scala and functional programming techniques.
We'll learn how to build an API client, handle JSON, stream and combine the data using FS2 and Cats Effect.
I propose that we can extend Mirrors to operations, and use the most natural DSL of all - plain trait definitions.
The talk explores the recursive structure of Diamond Architecture.
This talk aims to equip the audience with the minimum required bagage to get comfortable working with contravariance.
This talk is my slightly expanded version of that statement, and should hopefully understand what "Free" is, what purpose it serves and where it came from.