Looking beyond the scope: Scala application from an external lens

Join me in a talk empowering you to build Scala applications that not only excel internally but also deliver optimal experiences from an external perspective.

Paweł Kołodziejczyk
About This Talk

In the dynamic landscape of Scala application development, the tendency to focus solely on internal intricacies often obscures a crucial aspect - how the application is perceived from the outside. By observing from a distance, we gain insights into how to enhance resilience, reliability, and overall performance, influencing how we implement our applications.

Questions arise: What's the startup time? Can I safely run 2 or more instances? How do I know if it works as expected? Can monitoring/tracing help? Does it shut down gracefully?

Join me in a talk where we will explore these questions and more, empowering you to build Scala applications that not only excel internally but also deliver optimal experiences from an external perspective.

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