I propose that we can extend Mirrors to operations, and use the most natural DSL of all - plain trait definitions.
Can we derive endpoints from just a trait definition? One of Scala's strengths is domain modelling, and from a data definition, we can derive generic information in a Mirror, e.g. to generate type classes. For operations (such as endpoints) there is less support from metaprogramming, so we often create DSLs to describe them. I propose that we can extend Mirrors to operations, and use the most natural DSL of all - plain trait definitions.
This talk aims to equip the audience with the minimum required bagage to get comfortable working with contravariance.
This presentation describes the development of a financial middleware that internationally connects several ERP systems (Navision and SAP) to a cloud-based invoicing solution.
Join me in a talk empowering you to build Scala applications that not only excel internally but also deliver optimal experiences from an external perspective.
In this talk, we’ll show first the different techniques we can use to apply constraints is our domains. Then, we’ll present Iron, its features, extensions, and integrations. We’ll finish by showcasing a fully integrated constraint-enforcing app.