Wojciech Mazur

A member of VirtusLab's Scala Compiler team, Scala Center alumni

About me

I'm a member of VirtusLab's Scala Compiler team, where we closely cooperate with Martin Odersky and the rest of the EPFL/LAMP team in improving the Scala language. With over 6 years of Scala experience I was working on both commercial and open-source projects - for some time I was also a team member of Scala Center.

Wojciech Mazur

Speaker's events

Day 2
11:30 am
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Implementing multithreading in Scala Native or a story of 201 little pains

Listen to a story of how we have dealt with 201 obstacles allowing us to run multithreaded programs natively!

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Martin Duhem

Martin is a software engineer at Gradle where he works on accelerating your sbt builds.

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Wojciech Mazur

A member of VirtusLab's Scala Compiler team, Scala Center alumni

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