The talk explores the recursive structure of Diamond Architecture.
The talk explores the recursive structure of Diamond Architecture. It also covers the application of the Tagless Final pattern when necessary. The presentation adheres to maximum cohesion principles and strategically uses tools. You will leave with the knowledge and strategies needed to successfully navigate the complexities of large codebases.
We will discuss the importance of using the Tagless Final pattern in the Diamond Architecture to improve code modularity and flexibility. The Diamond Architecture prioritises maximum cohesion principles. This is crucial for crafting code that is both comprehensible and adaptable to complex systems.
We will now examine how the architecture and SBT plug-ins and tools collaborate to assist developers in streamlining their workflows, simplifying code reviews, and maintaining codebase consistency.
Join me for a fun and possibly opinionated talk about the state of Scala and other JVM languages.
In this beginner-friendly talk we'll try to find out using the power of Scala and functional programming techniques.
Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with Scalar community and create lasting memories
In this talk, we will take a tour around the `error` function. Starting from the simple use-cases and ending up with sophisticated yet developer-friendly error messages.