Sounds of Scala.js

Drawing on 25 years of experience as a professional musician and record producer, this will be a beginner focused talk introducing the use of Scala.js and the web audio api for building Scala powered Web Audio Applications.

Paul Matthews
About This Talk

Drawing on 25 years of experience as a professional musician and record producer, this will be a beginner focused talk introducing the use of Scala.js and the web audio api for building Scala powered Web Audio Applications.

This talk follows on from my 2023 talk 'Sounds of Structure' where I discussed modelling music with ADT's, and will pick up from that by focusing more on playing Audio in the browser where I'll cover the following:

- The Web Audio application space.

- Wrapping a JavaScript music and audio library with Scala.js

- Building a Scala.js synthesizer from scratch

- Me pushing buttons on my computer and making a plethora of sounds (from the computer)

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