Scalar Afterparty!

Don't miss out on this opportunity to connect with Scalar community and create lasting memories

About This Talk

Join us for an unforgettable Scalar afterparty!

Location: Klub ARCO

After a long day of insightful talks and networking, unwind with fellow attendees over drinks and delicious food. Bowl the night away, or simply relax and enjoy more of Scala discussions and small talks.

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Day 2
10:00 am
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The debatably Free monad

This talk is my slightly expanded version of that statement, and should hopefully understand what "Free" is, what purpose it serves and where it came from.

Day 1
11:30 am
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Custom Compile-Time Errors With a Vengeance

In this talk, we will take a tour around the `error` function. Starting from the simple use-cases and ending up with sophisticated yet developer-friendly error messages.

Day 2
9:00 am
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Contravariance: intuition building and examples

This talk aims to equip the audience with the minimum required bagage to get comfortable working with contravariance.

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Centrum Konferencyjne POLIN, Poland
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