Coffee Break

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Day 2
2:30 pm
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Armored Type Safety with Iron

In this talk, we’ll show first the different techniques we can use to apply constraints is our domains. Then, we’ll present Iron, its features, extensions, and integrations. We’ll finish by showcasing a fully integrated constraint-enforcing app.

Day 2
2:00 pm
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Turbocharging web socket integration for Tapir

We managed to alleviate almost entirely the slowdown induced by Tapir in a web socket server. The journey towards this goal was quite insightful, and we would like to share it with you.

Day 1
2:00 pm
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How slow is your tram?

In this beginner-friendly talk we'll try to find out using the power of Scala and functional programming techniques.

Day 1
3:30 pm
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Diamond Architecture: lessons learned

The talk explores the recursive structure of Diamond Architecture.

Day 2
3:30 pm
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Sounds of Scala.js

Drawing on 25 years of experience as a professional musician and record producer, this will be a beginner focused talk introducing the use of Scala.js and the web audio api for building Scala powered Web Audio Applications.

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